Posts Tagged ‘Autism’
Camel Milk Research
July 15, 2015 Written by JPOne of the fastest growing food categories is cow milk alternatives. By now, many consumers are aware of both animal and plant-based beverages that are targeted to those who need or wish to avoid conventional milk. On the animal side of the aisle, you can now easily find goat and sheep’s milk in health food stores and specialty markets. Plant-based “milks” aren’t actually milk at all. But, these fortified drinks made from almonds, coconuts, cashews, hemp and soy can and do substitute quite well for milk under some circumstances. The bottom line is that milk has become a major component in the modern diet, and that has spurred a rapidly evolving revolution in dairy and dairy substitutes.
Tags: Autism, Diabetes, Milk
Posted in Alternative Therapies, Food and Drink, Nutrition | 12 Comments & Updates
Health News Old and New
May 27, 2011 Written by JPMedical research usually comes in one of two forms. There’s the common sense variety of information that reports seemingly obvious findings that most people already know. Then there’s the revelatory type, which reports new insights or unique ways of looking at old data. On the face of it, the revelations may appear to be the more important of the two. But a good reminder can have a great, if not greater impact on your health than new scientific discoveries. After all, both new and old research is only beneficial if we’re consciously aware of it and put it to good use. Read more »
Tags: Autism, Sarcopenia, Vitamin D
Posted in Children's Health, Diet and Weight Loss, Exercise | 3 Comments & Updates
Best of NAC for Mental Health
February 17, 2011 Written by JPA common theme found in naturopathic medicine is that a substance used for one purpose often ends up benefiting other seemingly unrelated conditions. When this occurs, scientists generally scramble to determine how in the world such a turn of events is even possible. There’s certainly a great deal of value in identifying the underlying mechanisms by which a “medicine” works. But if the body is viewed as a whole, rather than in isolated parts, then the concept of broad spectrum healing tends to make more sense. One example is a rather obscure supplement that reduces the ill effects of oxidants in the body while also promoting a healthier environment in the brain.
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Tags: Addiction, Autism, Depression
Posted in Alternative Therapies, Mental Health, Nutritional Supplements | 5 Comments & Updates
St. John’s Wort News
January 29, 2010 Written by JPManufacturers of herbal remedies rely on industry support, word of mouth and the occasional, positive scientific study to spur the sale of their products. This basic formula is a necessity because most alternative “medicines” will never corner their respective market or successfully make their way into the mainstream medical system. What ends up happening is that much less money is spent actively promoting said products. Likewise the overall sales figures are also much more modest than what is found in the pharmaceutical sector. This dynamic tends to promote a climate where trends dictate what supplements become darlings and which ones are put out to pasture. Read more »
Tags: Autism, Depression, St. John's Wort
Posted in Alternative Therapies, Mental Health, Nutritional Supplements | 6 Comments & Updates
Autism Massage Therapy
December 27, 2009 Written by JPThe world as viewed by each individual is comprised of partial information. We only know what we feel, hear, see, smell and touch. Our observations and senses provide critical information that informs our every decision and move. Now imagine what your reality would be like if you almost always felt distant and emotionally isolated. What if that feeling was so powerful that you couldn’t even make eye contact with others. Beyond that, how would your daily experience be different if your capacity to learn and communicate was severely compromised? These challenges and many others are dealt with on a daily basis by a growing population of children with autism. Read more »
Tags: Autism, Massage, Touch
Posted in Alternative Therapies, Mental Health | 9 Comments & Updates
NAC for Mental Health
November 4, 2009 Written by JPA common theme found in naturopathic medicine is that a substance used for one purpose often ends up benefiting other seemingly unrelated conditions. When this occurs, scientists generally scramble to determine how in the world such a turn of events is even possible. There’s certainly a great deal of value in identifying the underlying mechanisms by which a “medicine” works. But if the body is viewed as a whole, rather than in isolated parts, then the concept of broad spectrum healing tends to make more sense. One example is a rather obscure supplement that reduces the ill effects of oxidants in the body while also promoting a healthier environment in the brain. Read more »
Tags: Addiction, Autism, Depression
Posted in Alternative Therapies, Mental Health, Nutritional Supplements | 84 Comments & Updates
Autism and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
March 13, 2009 Written by JPIt’s not easy to find encouraging news about autism. More often than not, we hear reports about the increasing rates of this devastating developmental disorder. It’s heartbreaking because many of us understand the challenges that those with autism and their families face. Autism is characterized by a profound disruption in communication skills (both verbal and non-verbal), an inability to interact socially and a propensity toward obsessive thoughts and behaviors. It is estimated that as many as 1 in every 150 children are affected by some form of autism – collectively referred to as ASD (autism spectrum disorders). Read more »
Tags: Autism, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Posted in Alternative Therapies, Mental Health | 7 Comments & Updates