Posts Tagged ‘Halitosis’
Prescription 2017: Eat More Fiber
April 11, 2017 Written by JPWhen it comes to nutrition, one size does not fit all. Foods that are nourishing to some can be harmful to others. Take, for example, tree nuts. Many studies report that eating almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans, pistachios and walnuts regularly tends to improve the nutrient density of diets and has been linked to lower disease and mortality risk. However, if you’re allergic to tree nuts, they are essentially poison to your system. The same is true of many common and otherwise nutritious foods, including dairy, eggs and shellfish. This concept is sometimes referred to as bio-individuality. In practice, the ideal is to become aware of the foods on which your body thrives and which do not agree with you.
Tags: Fiber, Halitosis, Inflammation
Posted in Diet and Weight Loss, Heart Health, Nutrition | 16 Comments & Updates
Oil Pulling Research
April 23, 2012 Written by JPWhen investigating natural healing techniques, one must frequently consult with two disparate camps: scientists and traditional healers. Generally speaking, scientists attempt to debunk or explain how a practice works (or doesn’t) via established mechanisms and objective data. Traditional healers tend to offer an alternative view about how the body functions and historical accounts of success. When these two groups come together, quite often some degree of common ground can be found. A case in point is the ancient Indian practice known as oil pulling.
Tags: Cavities, Gingivitis, Halitosis
Posted in Alternative Therapies, Dental Health, Food and Drink | 8 Comments & Updates